Saturday, February 4, 2006


There is someting i read a long time ago. And sometimes i keep thinking about the sayings wisdom.
It talks about the speed of life. Everything in nature happens slowly. It took trillions of years for the earth to begin and for the mountains to stand. It takes time for the river to start winding its course down the mountains and for the trees to start growing by its side. Nature does everything at its own pace. Nature does not know hurry. Man bought haste into this world.

Take a viper for example. It lives peacefully (yes, a snake) and only kills for food and when harmed. In a word it is quite content to be what it is - a snake. Not so homo sapians. We rush through the jungle of life and coerce nature to our own beliefs.

Ever wondered at our trust in nature? We dump chemicals into rivers, dig the earth for mining, use CFCs in our deo sprays - yet why do we complain of floods, earthquakes and global warming? And we even have an answer to this: The government is not doing enough! Even then nature is very tolerant of us (some reason behind why it is called Mother nature). However, the signals being sent back to us everyday are becoming weak. We can still shatter the delicate eco system, play with out genesm, tinker with the very chasms of evolution and in one word - play god.

Why do I believe that the millions who loose their loved ones in natural calamities every year would not agree to this.